Sunday 12 July 2015

They speak a funny kind of English here.

 A sense of humour in life is essential.
Without it, my world as I know it, would be meaningless.

Trying to explain to Yvonne where we go to feed carrots to the donkeys had us both in fits of laughter.  My pronounciation of certain New Zealand place names leaves a lot to be desired.
What can I say.
They speak a funny 
kind of English here.

I needed my ramble with her on Friday.
No matter how hard I try to put a positive spin on things,
there are days when it all becomes a little too much.
That’s when the laughter’s necessary
as I struggle to make sense of a world gone wonky.
It hasn’t helped that it’s been BEYOND cold in my little part of the world.
Wet too.
Our new flat is like an icebox
with the thermostat set at it’s lowest.
Roll on spring and the return of warmth to that sunshine.

Our rambles this week have proved a tad challenging.
Leaving in the dark is par for the course.
Leaving when the temp’s only 2 or 3 degrees, not so.
It’s all relative I know
but Auckland’s more temperate climate doesn’t prepare us for chills like this.  Nor does inadequate insulation and heating in houses.
Mud, puddles, ice and frost have had the hound doing a happy dance.
She LOVES our morning adventures, no matter how dark OR cold.
Her waggling bum and black and white rugby jersey always elicit smiles as she bumbles exuberantly along boardwalks covered in frost and ice.
We both breathe out smoke as our warm breath hits the frosty air.
I wouldn’t change a thing about our early morning adventures though.
No matter the temperature.
No matter my mood.
No matter where we wander.
We make a connection with the world.
A connection with life.
A connection with simplicity
and THAT’S what feeds my soul.
Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.” 

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