Monday 22 June 2015

I'm angry.

"Leave a little sparkle wherever you go."
~ anon.
Despite my very positive stance on life MOST of the time, 
there are days when anxiety overwhelms me.  
Anxiety AND responsibility.  
I didn’t sign up to do ANY of this on my own.
Not many people do.
I’m angry.
And I don’t want to be.
Life ISN’T fair.
As the hound and I braved the chilly winter air I tried to focus on the 
positives that have emerged over the last four years.
Looking at the world through a lens is one of them.
I didn't just stumble into photography.
It called me. 

The passion has always been there, even when the lemmings were little, as they will attest. It was never allowed to gain a foothold as life was just too busy and there were always others to consider.  
The SO.  
The Lemmings.  
House and home.  
It’s become such a big part of my life in the last 2 years.
A fascinating journey of discovery,
learning and exploration.
It feeds something inside of me that needed to be fed.
My very own kind of magical.
Watching the sun rise each morning and bring light to the world in spite of the clouds,
is a metaphor for life and living.
Light sparkles.

No matter the darkness that surrounds us and no matter the difficulties we face, 
there is ALWAYS light.
I believe that.
Our daily rambles allow me to SEE that light.
It’s the pocket of stillness I need in my life.
The anger and turbulence dissipate when the soul is satisfied.
I might have frozen fingers and frostbitten toes when we return from a ramble
but I also have peace in my heart.
"Show up in every single moment like you're meant to be there." 
~ Marie Forteo

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