Wednesday 22 April 2015

I get to SEE the beautiful ...

“To be human is to be broken and broken is it’s own kind of beautiful.”
~ R.M. Drake
Even I, ever-optimistic as I am, have days when life overwhelms me.
Moments when it feels easier to just give up.
As the hound and I headed out on our ramble this morning
I couldn’t hold back the tears.
They weren’t for any particular reason but they were necessary.
So much is happening at the moment.
So much is up in the air.
That feeling of being in limbo has never felt so real.
There HAS to be light at the end of the tunnel.
Even the sunrise this morning epitomised that thought.
“Every cloud has a silver lining”  came to mind.
Except my clouds had gold.
They were gorgeous.
Magnificently so.
There have been many gorgeous moments this week.
Moments that gave me pause for thought and reflection.
Moments that made me laugh.
And cry.
And smile.
I had a smiley moment today.
I met George.
A 9 month old pseudo Spoodle.
His mother's enthusiasm and love for him was infectious.
She decided I needed to meet him.
So I did.
Life isn’t easy.
I get to see the beautiful.
EVERY day.
I know this chaos in my life is transcient.
I know that one day it WILL end.
In the meantime I go with the flow.
Let my eyes leak when they need to.
Take hugs when they’re offered.
Smile at everyone.
It brings its own reward.
And for that I’m eternally grateful.
“Do your little bit of good where you are. 
 It’s those little bits of good put together that can overwhelm the world.”
~ Desmond Tutu

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