Thursday 26 June 2014

I'm not ready to say goodbye.

Even the Oyster Catchers are adding sunshine to my world.
“Alice:  How long is forever?
White Rabbit: Sometimes, just one second.”
~ Lewis Carroll
Wild weather is back with a vengeance.  
The glorious idyllic winter sunshine of the past week has bade a hasty retreat 
Dark black clouds scud across my sky.  
The ONLY happy souls in wicked weather like this are the Kite-surfers!
They’re out in the bay in force having the time of their lives.
The icicle-like fingers of this wintery weather don’t deter them in the least.
Clouds that turned dark during the day.
It’s not WHAT they see, it’s HOW they see it.
Something I need to remember in the ensuing weeks.
I’ve taken leave this week.
Not ONLY to catch up on photo editing and printing
but to spend time with the middle lemming 
who heads off on her “big OE” on Sunday.
OE or Overseas Experience is a New Zealand coined term for an extended overseas working holiday. 
A WHOLE year or MORE!
The middle lemming is on a one-way ticket with no definite date of return.
It feels like she’s going forever.
Part of me just ISN’T ready to say goodbye.
The hubbub in the household is palpable as  
the youngest lemming readies himself to accompany her. 
Just for a month. 
HIS excitement is irrepressible.
He can’t WAIT to go.
Hers is TINGED with trepidation.
Is she doing the right thing?
I know she is.
No matter how much I’m going to miss her, 
AND worry about her,
an adventure of this ilk will be life changing.
There’s an awesome world out there just waiting to be explored.
All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.” 
~ Michael John Bobak
Hold me in your thoughts on Sunday.
I'm going to try NOT to cry.

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