Wednesday 9 April 2014

I envy her dim-wittedness.

“I am NOT what happened to me.  
I am what I CHOOSE to become.” 
~ Carl Gustav Jung
There are times when everyone feels defeated.  
Let down.  
We look into ourselves and can’t always see a way out.
It’s easy to stay there.
To abdicate responsibility for this gift that is life.
Then I happen upon a quotation like that.
I read and digest a blog written in 2010 about rocking your way forward, 
no matter the boulders in your path.

... and it reminds me that EVERYTHING in life is a CHOICE.
Even FREEDOM is a choice.
All of us get to consciously decide what has meaning in our life and what doesn’t.
I choose to focus on the positive.
I choose to focus on the issues I can control.
I choose to be flexible with those I can’t.
I choose to ramble too.  
It’s a choice that guarantees that ‘feel-good’ feeling.
It’s a choice that allows me to BE in-the-moment.
This state of being-in-the-moment is what’s so compelling about the hound. 
It’s hard for us humans to get that. 
Even in the most difficult of times, 
she’s cheerful and ready for any action or new experience.
Despite her intelligence though, there’s a dim-wittedness 
to this happiness and carefree state that I can only envy.
She doesn’t DO despair.
She doesn’t DO defeat.
If she was human, her mantra in life would probably read something like this.
“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive
and to do so with passion, compassion, some humour and style.” 
~ Maya Angelou
Is it any wonder I have need of her in my life.

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