Monday 14 April 2014

Causing mischief and mayhem!

 Carousel rides aren’t just for little kids ... or parents of little kids.
Big kids enjoy them too!
Today I caught up with my inner child and it was SO much fun!
Time to dismount and be sensible again .... yeah right.
The Whittaker’s Big Egg hunt, trespassing, carousel rides, hide and seek, burgers, ice cream
.... and sunshiny skies in abundance.  
It’s been an ABSOLUTE riot!
You can see the green and pink fairy flitting across to photo bomb my photo.
In Emma’s words
“ ... an absolutely eggsilarating and totally eggshausting day full of giggles, laughter, truly awful egg-yolks and much naughtiness ... an EGGCEPTIONALLY good day!”
I’ll second that and so I think will the significant other.
After all, we could have dropped him down a man-hole ... but DIDN’T.

The Big Egg Hunt is the world’s BIGGEST egg hunt. 
The first hunt was in London in 2010 to engage the general public in a fun and interactive way whilst fundraising for charity.
Since then The Big Egg Hunt has grown.  
This year it’s happening in London, Dublin, New York and here in NZ.

The giant eggs showcase top NZ artists and designers and are to be auctioned off at the end of the hunt to raise funds for Starship.

Em’s, the significant other and I took to the streets today to find as many of the eggs as we could.

There are 100 to be found, 46 of which are hidden in Auckland.
We found 39.
Five more are hidden in the Auckland Museum area and one in Grafton.
The rest of the 100 eggs are hidden in Christchurch and Wellington.
Don’t think there’s much chance of us finding any of those.
The significant other’s navigational skills came in useful.
I’m the world’s worst map-reader and Em’s ISN’T much better.
She’s not QUITE as bad as my mate Carol though.

Our egg hunt took us all OVER the city and had us evicted from a building we apparently weren’t supposed to be in.
Aren’t OPEN doors an invitation to ENTER?

Maybe if the doors hadn’t closed on us, 
we WOULDN’T have struggled to find a way OUT.
It was the BUTTON on the wall that did it.
The security guards who evicted us were pleasant enough but so NOT fun. 
They weren’t appreciative of us playing with the button for the doors and inviting Captain Starship in for a photo session.
Captain Starship and his minder had a good giggle ... as did we.
The one egg we WEREN’T able to find today, no matter how hard we looked, was the WHERE’S WALLY egg! 
He has a roaming location so isn’t as easy to find.

I have taken a gazillion photos, visited my favourite building in the city,
 drooled over multi-million dollar yachts, 
laughed incredulously at the number of apps Em’s had open on her phone
 .... no wonder the Whittaker’s Egg app wouldn’t work, 
seen reflections around every corner and people-watched to my heart’s content.

I will sleep well tonight.

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