Tuesday 4 March 2014

Chaos in my soul.

 “You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.” 
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Autumn’s here! 
How do I know?
The sun’s still shining as brightly
and only setting at 8pm in the evening.
The temperature during the day is a gorgeous 22/23 degrees.
my scarf has become a necessary accessory as we exit the house in the still-dark morning.  
Shorts and a short-sleeve T ... with the addition of a sleeveless fleece .... is still the outfit of choice but it’s the scarf that indicates the changing of the season.
That nip in the air is off-set by the addition of this scarf to my rambling ensemble.
Yes.  A knitted scarf.  
Sunrise and sunset colour. 
Bright.  Vibrant.  Cheerful.
A bit like me!!
The orange scarf is my calling card during autumn and winter.  
Sam recognised it INSTANTLY this morning.
I’d been making word art in the sand and was trying to capture it on camera 
when the feet-seeking missile hit my feet.  
He was DELIGHTED to see us!
He’d come to the beach SANS rugby ball though so a tussle ensued 
between the hound and him as to WHO was to have ownership of the ball. 
 It’s a Labrador thing.  
Only they understand it.
Even the sparrows were confused as to ownership.
They’re used to seeing TWO hounds with TWO balls.
TWO hounds and ONE ball just doesn’t look right, 
unless they’re retrieving it from the waves together.  
Even then you can see the tugging as they try to out-muscle one another.
Even Coops, the mighty-mouse hound of the hound world 
knows not to come between the hound and her ball.  
His usual ginormous leaps in and out of the waves to help her retrieve it were rather subdued this morning.  
I’d forgotten though that he’s NOT a Labrador
and isn’t as partial to cold water and weather as the hound.
Chaos in my soul?  
I think so.  
Dancing in the waves?
THIS has been a good day.
“When we can do nothing else, we can still love
without expecting any reward or change or gratitude.” 
~ Paulo Coelho

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