Friday 27 December 2013

Girls NEVER have nothing to talk about.

Low tide means Kingfishers hunting for breakfast.
So the youngest of my lemmings turned 18 today and, in the eyes of the law, is now officially an adult.  Phew ... he made it to 18 without being throttled by EITHER of us.

He’s kept us young ... in mind, body and spirit.  
He’s an enigma ... still yet to discover who and what he is and where he wants to go in life.
What an adventure.

The older two lemmings and their partners plan on taking him to town tonight to celebrate his 18th birthday in style.  We were NOT invited.  Not that I mind.  I think our days of clubbing and drinking into the wee hours of the morning are long gone.

The head can’t handle it any more and I dread to think of the damage it does to the body.

We’ll content ourselves with a celebratory drink with them at the Pub before they head into town.

Their nights out are way different to mine, particularly my ‘girls nights out’.
... and Herons fishing in the waves and not Julie's pond
I love my girls nights out” and our Christmas girls night out was no exception.
We got to natter .... ENDLESSLY,  
drank BUBBLES till we burst and SOLVED the problems of the world
 .... all MANmade of course.

Conversation veers from the ridiculous to the sublime.  
Topics covered are both serious and nonsensical

Curls - mine  
bubbles - delicious but never enough 
laughter - loads of it
work - and customers that we love to hate but ONLY at THIS time of  year
orgasms - no further explanation needed there
men  - and their necessity or otherwise in our lives
hounds - ours, and the unconditional love they share with us

Phew .... I could go on ad infinitum.  Girls NEVER have nothing to talk about.
Copulating butterflies

We probably TALK more than what we DRINK.

The lemmings probably DRINK more than what they TALK or maybe NOT.  
They are, after all, MY lemmings.  
Some things are genetically unavoidable.

So happiest of birthdays, my youngest lemming.  
Enjoy your first LEGAL drink in town ... emphasis on the word LEGAL
 ... and try NOT to come home TOO inebriated.

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