Thursday, 6 September 2012

They lied!!

Where's my sun gone!

 They lied! They said it would be a sunny day today ..... and it isn’t!! It fooled me at first ... I had glimpses of early morning sunshine as I poked my head out of the covers but didn’t see the extended cloud cover that was lurking over the horizon. Lurking being the operative word .... it snuck across my sky and blotted out my sunshine. The weatherman lied!!

I really thought the awesome weather we had a few weeks ago was here to stay ... 5 glorious days of sunshine and blue skies .... and then it vanished. I hope it’s not gone forever. It’s Spring for goodness sake, a time of rebirth and re-awakening .... and we need SUNSHINE for that - in abundance.
Yep .... here comes ALL the mud!

We have wind though .... LOTS of it. I’m willing it to blow all this cloud down to The Coromandel or somewhere, even Wellington - there’s some rugby match or something going on there this weekend.

I don’t care where it goes though, as long as it ain’t Auckland!

We thought we’d LOST another kitty .... not ‘The kitty who lived’ but the kitty who lived WITH ‘the kitty who lived’ .... ie Tiger. He’s a bit of a wandering man. He’s been known to spend a night away from home before but is always back in the morning yelling LOUDLY for food ... obviously he’s had a busy night

He did more than disappear for a night this week though. He was gone for 3 days. We had a dreadful storm on Sunday night and he never came home. On Tuesday evening Callum and Jess (our visitor from Wales) went knocking on our neighbours doors to alert them to our missing kitty and then Gareth and Callum popped over to the old house to see if he’d made his way back there in confusion after the storm.

Kangaroo Sam

Callum’s sitting in the car waiting for Gareth to finish chatting to the new tenants when he sees a cat walking down the road .... head down, tail down. He looks at the cat and his mind tells him it’s Tiger but he’s not sure. He calls .... cat pauses, tail goes up ... head goes up, he gets an answering miaow! It WAS Tiger .... the silly-billy kitty cat had found his way back to the old house but hadn’t found us home. 

I know co-incidences happen but what are the odds of Callum being in that spot at the very moment his kitty walked down the road .... awesome!

One very happy kitty-cat AND one very happy youngest lemming.

After much deliberation I’ve come to the conclusion that Sam, being an Aussie hound, is part Kangaroo. Yep .... he’s not just Labrador .... he’s Kangaroo too. He reaches such heights when he jumps into the water that it’s impossible for there NOT to be Kangaroo blood in there somewhere. It’s those back legs. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hound propel himself up and into the air quite like Sam does. He’d make an EXCELLENT long-jumper!

He’s not just a Labrador hound anymore .... he’s Kangaroo Sam - the rugby-ball chasing ‘wannabee’ chocolate hound.

Carol STILL hasn't learnt NOT to stand behind me when I kick a rugby ball .... MUD goes everywhere!!

.... even on her cap!!!

Breakfast at Nosh and Sam wants to take Chocolat for a walk!
She doesn't want him to take her lead though.
Help Mom!
Gareth and Jess joined us on our early morning ramble yesterday ... this is at 6.30 in the morning!

Maximus again.

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