Tuesday, 4 September 2012

I'm an AWESOME human being!

Work is an expression of life for me.” Orson Welles

I’m a work-in-progress .... ever evolving and ALWAYS open for modification. How sad it would be if I was to always remain the same ... never growing, never learning, never struggling. 

My family and friends might see it differently. My family particularly, think I’m a tad insane ... some of my friends concur. They don’t understand that I’m MY version of normal and if that makes me a little insane in their eyes, then so be it.

My youngest lemming put it quite succinctly with a quotation he sent me this morning “Insanity doesn’t run in our family, it STROLLS through, taking time to get to know each of us personally.” Hmmmm ..... I couldn’t have said it better myself.

It’s not just the humans in this family that are deemed to be insane though .... the hound’s mad too .... undeniably so.

Our weather has been atrocious the last 2 days .... horrible winds and heavy intermittent rain. I DON’T do wind .... I don’t mind rain but I really dislike the wind. It makes me feel uncomfortable. I hate fighting it for every step I take forward ..... or backwards, as the case might be ..... on the beach. It’s like being in a permanent wrestling match!

The hound has no such qualms. Early morning rambles are part and parcel of her routine and regardless of the weather, she wants to be out there .... rambling and rugby balls are the ONLY things on her mind. The fiercer the wind, the fiercer the waves and she LOVES fierce waves.

It was RAINBOWS as well as rugby balls and rambles this morning .... gorgeous RAINBOWS .... bright, beautiful, vibrant RAINBOWS. I found out something hugely interesting about rainbows this last week .... courtesy of my OLDEST lemming. 
WE create our own rainbows!

We have something in our eyes called photoreceptors .... conical ones .... and the existence of a rainbow is dependent on these conical photoreceptors. To animals without these conical photoreceptors, rainbows simply do not exist!

How amazing is that.

I create my own rainbow .... with all it’s beautiful vibrant colours .... I create it. THAT blows my mind.

I’m an AWESOME human being and I live in an amazing world. Yes, there are difficulties in my life ... we all have difficulties in our lives but the way we perceive the world around us is what helps us conquer them. Would that everyone could see the world through my eyes!

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