Sunday 2 June 2013

Someday you'll just be a memory ....

“Some day you’ll just be a memory to some people. 
Do your best to be a good one.” 
~ unknown

Today was a much needed “time-out” day.  I pulled out of doing Coatesville Market and just spent the day doing the things that feed my soul.

Dragging my other half out of bed to catch the sun-rise on a morning we don’t have to be up early is fraught with difficulty.  He’d rather be snuggling down under the duvet than trudging up to the view-site at double-quick time to catch a sun that rose before we got there!

Yep, that sounds gobbeldy-gook ..... but it was.

I looked at him rather bemusedly when, as the church bells started ringing, he headed off the beach towards the Co-op.  I’ve never before connected church bells ringing to getting our daily fix .... but then it hit me.  The Village Co-op only opens at 8 over the week-end and that’s the time the church bells ring.  
Eureka .... light bulb moment!

Caffeine in hand, we sat on the sand and watched the rest of the world wake up.

Early morning light and a low tide is like manna from heaven.  The stillness of it all .... the mirror-like reflections ... the busyness of our resident feathered friends as they search the nooks and crannies of the mudflats for their morning meal.  There is so much going on if you choose to look for it.  Even the Kingfishers graced us with their presence this morning.  Not just one of them ... but TWO.

.... and they DIDN’T bring the rain. 

Snapping pics of the Kingfishers isn’t always easy.  They’re like will-o’-the-wisps as they flit soundlessly over the waves from rock to rock.  They’re way faster than the herons and, being smaller, that much more difficult to track.

This morning though, for some reason it all felt different.  That Kingfisher knew I was stalking him and yet he sat there, feathers all fluffed up, watching as I tip-toed closer and closer.  As I pressed the shutter button I expected him to take flight ... but he didn’t.  I could hardly breath as I got within touching distance of him.  

He gave me the most incredible picture ... the colours, the light in his eye, the feather detail ... even the line of white feathers under his eye.
 It was a soul-stopping moment  ... I can breath again!

The rest of my day has been made up of yummy food at Beach. in Browns Bay and more photo ops at the Yacht Marina in Aux.  Let’s not forget the Dolly Mixtures and Jaffa Cakes I picked up from the UK Grocer in Browns Bay either!

A final thought on ‘perspective’ in this upside-down world of ours and how we see it.  I’ve just been looking at the most delightful little book called “How to be an Explorer of the world” by Keri Smith.  It’s a thought-provoking compendium of 59 ideas on how to look at life a little differently. It all began with a simple list which became a book.

Amongst other things she suggests we should always to be looking ... notice the ground beneath your feet.  Know that everything is interesting and to always look closer.  Question that which has ceased to astonish you .... and my favourite .... “Create a personal DIALOGUE with your environment ... talk to it.” 

The book’s filled with playful and fun mini-projects that aren’t just designed to boost your creativity ... they’re also teaching you about inhabiting your life more fully.

“Every experience is unrepeatable.” ~ Italo Calvino

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