Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Making mischief of one kind or another!

Happy Birthday Sam!!

It’s his first birthday today and we celebrated in style with a wet and muddy ramble at Waiatarua followed by breakfast at Nosh. 
Decadent breakfast!! 
French toast with roasted banana, berry compote and mascarpone cheese .... with piles of bacon.

I’m not a big fan of bacon with my french toast and fruit but that wasn’t a problem. I had two hounds alongside who assured me they didn’t mind helping. They’d polish off the bacon quicker than you could blink .... and they did .... with lip-smacking relish.

I love going to Waiatarua with Carol and Sam when it’s been raining. Sam looks so gorgeous and clean till we get there .... and then the fun begins!

It’s so easy to turn the wannabee chocolate hound brown. You just kick his ball into the mud time and time again and with enormous enthusiasm he ploughs through the mud, splashing it up in all directions, to retrieve the ball. The look of satisfaction on his face as he races back to us, ball in mouth, mud all over .... is priceless .... and so is the look on Carol’s face!

She’s given up trying to keep him clean when we ramble in Waiatarua. I guess I don’t help by kicking the ball into the mud .... it’s SO much fun making mischief!

There are plenty of humans with hounds at Waiatarua that need training .... the humans that is, not the hounds. I’ve lost count of the number of times another hound will take one of the rugby balls and race off with it and their human will be unable to get them to drop it. Today’s culprit was totally indifferent to her hound running of with the ball. She continued on her merry way WITH her hound WITH the ball. They make my blood boil, these untrained humans, so the less said about them the better.
We did get the ball back .... though I had to go and fetch it.

Onto something more pleasant ..... caffeine! My favourite tipple .... as Jess has discovered. Pete, the friendly sports-mad owner of the Village Co-op has SOLD the Co-op .... well .... the coffee side of it that is. They need to devote more time to the growth of Joshua’s Ice Cream so him and Josh are focusing on the ice-cream and Neil, the new Co-op owner, will run the coffee side. 

He’s bought into a great little business ..... they make marvelous coffee and the girls are always so pleasant and friendly .... hand-picked by Pete of course .... but they add so much to the coffee experience. The Co-op is a great asset to our little community so it’s nice to know the new owner is a resident in the village too.

Personally I think Pete just wants more time to loiter  .... he’s good at loitering ..... AND he wants more time to offer his rather BIASED opinion on all the sports we enjoy .... rugby and cricket specifically. I’m glad he’s not going anywhere .... our morning rambles wouldn’t be quite the same without Pete’s banter.

Such a magnificently vivid rainbow yesterday!
Double rainbow
Yesterday's rainbow reflected in the puddle .... too beautiful!

A different visitor to the beach yesterday ... a duck.


Aloquin said...

Awwwww, that rainbow IS beautiful! I love doggies :) My Mom is a dog trainer! I'm following your blog now. Great pictures!

Chocolat and Co said...

Thanks Aloquin. I'm not surprised you love dogs if your Mom's a dog trainer! I live in a great spot in the world and walking my hound every day gives me ample opportunity to get great photos ... like the ones of that rainbow - it was AWESOME!