Friday, 2 August 2013

Will-of-the-wisp moments ....

I write because I can.  
I write to rid my mind of worrisome thoughts and unnecessary musings.  When I put pen to paper ... or in this case, fingers to keys .... it allows a release from the troublesome world I currently inhabit.  Not that the world in general isn’t troublesome, but my little world has it’s own set of worries that at times seem overwhelming.

Writing is cathartic.  It forces me to focus on the positives in my day ... on the will-of-the-wisp moments in time where happiness enters my world unbidden and leaves me smiling.

Moments that wouldn’t happen if I wasn’t who I am.

Most of the time I see the best in everyone and everything.  
There is little that can sway me from seeing a rainbow no matter the cirumstance.  

Take today for exampe.  It’s one of THOSE days ..... wet, VERY windy and yes, woeful. The colour GREY takes on new meaning when viewed on a day like this.  It validates the common perception that a lot of Kiwis have that NZ has more cloudy days than sunny ones.  I beg to differ.  We have an abundance of sunshiny days - I should know - I’m out there EVERY morning!

Today though there just isn’t enough sky for all the shades of grey that Mother Nature is unveiling.

When you have a hound like mine though, NO day is NOT rambleworthy.

There are many like-minded souls - hound souls that is - in my neck of the woods and the waves were full of them. Windy days whip up wonderful waves even when the tide’s retreating.  We had hound after hound LEAPING into the waves after balls and logs and Bandit doing his best to herd them to safety.  He takes his job very seriously does Bandit.

Even the Gulls and Skua were grounded.  The few that were in the waves and fossicking amongst the rocks were fluffed up like cotton wool balls.  It’s not often they look disconsolate about the weather.

The approaching storm eventually forced even us hardy souls of the beach so we took the hounds for breakfast

The weather might be grim but we were snug and warm.  They new French Café has overhead heaters and blankets on the chairs and is VERY friendly towards hounds.  Sam polished off the water belonging to the neighbouring hounds and promptly destroyed the water bowl too.  
It WASN’T the only one he managed to destroy this morning.

Both hounds shared my breakfast.  Carol had a very healthy breakfast which they weren’t as partial too.  Mine was far more appealing and I had constant nudges from Sam to remind me he was still there. My hound sat and ‘purred’ as I ate, her eyes glued to my every mouthful.
You are saving me some, aren't you?
Yes ... it WAS one of those will-of-the-wisp moments in time and it WASN’T only me that was left SMILING!
It can't possibly be time to go home, can it?
Happiness is not something ready made.  It comes from your own actions.” 
~ 14th Dalai Lama
Playing around with the layout for my stall tomorrow ... 

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