Tuesday, 6 August 2013

If hounds could be soul-mates, she'd be mine.

Help help help!!  I want to get off.  My life resembles a spinning wheel that’s just spinning faster and faster and not actually achieving much .... or so it feels.  What it does achieve doesn’t always resemble what I want it to .... or exactly what I need it to.

I want to stop the clock ... but I can’t!

Then Mother Nature throws a “moment” at me like this morning’s one ... 

The kind of moment that makes me stop and catch my breath.  The kind of oment that makes all those deadlines and “things to do” lists irrelevant and unnecessary.  The kind of moment that takes all those pre-conceived ideas about life and living and flings them into the ether.  

A miracle kind of moment. 
 An everything happening when it should kind of moment. 

I knew as the hound and I hit the road that today’s ramble was going to be an awesome one.  There’s a stillness in the air, a gentle silence .... a kind of peace that you want to hold onto. 
Not all mornings are like this.

Even the hound knew there was something special afoot. 
She didn’t stop to read the p-mails
.... she didn’t stop for ablutions
... she didn’t stop to sniff the morning air.  

She saw a reverence to the moment that wasn’t visible.

We weren’t disappointed.  This morning’s sunrise halted my world for just the briefest of moments in time .... and I inhaled and I knew.  THIS time is the RIGHT time for what is happening right now. 

As we bounced back down to the beach I felt a sense of euphoria overwhelm me.  I needed that sunrise this morning. 
I needed to slow down and catch my breath and just breathe.

.... and the hound needed to poop.

No sooner did her paws touch the sand than she squatted.  She must have been desperate but in her desire to allow me that moment of reverence, she’d held on .... and on.

If hounds could be soul-mates, she’d be mine.

Sam and her have padded up and down the beach and in and out of the waves for hours on end.  They’ve been joined in their antics by a motley variety of hounds .... some eager to play, some not allowed to.  Carol and I have sat on the steps and revelled in the glorious sunshine and just chilled.  

Sometimes chilling is necessary.

Sam swam out to fetch the ball with the stick in his mouth .... and managed to bring BOTH back to shore.

“Life isn’t as serious as the mind makes it out to be.” 
~ Eckhart Tolle

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