Tuesday, 30 July 2013

If he was in human form, he'd be a GIGOLO.

 “... keep what is worth keeping and, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away.” 
~ Dinah Craik

There are some things in a morning that are best left unsaid

“It’s ok ... I’ve got my bra on already.” would be one of them.  Yep, she does wear bras ... Carol that is .... and felt the need to share that with us this morning.  Carol should know by now though that any conversation with me is apt to be turned into fodder for my blog ... and especially when said conversation includes statements like that.
This poor gull has lost one of his feet ... 
Whilst Julz and I raise our eyebrows in surprise and giggle at this unexpected statement, she explained that what she meant was she had her ‘GYM’ bra on.  She was heading off for a gym work-out after our walk and, as most women will know, gym bras are far more time-consuming to don than an everyday bra. She was practising time management! 

Pete would be pleased .... or maybe NOT.

Beach toys - rugby ball and a log
My friend Carol is an exercise junkie.  I might have mentioned this before but she thrives on exercise .... not just normal everyday exercise ... but exercise of an addictive nature.  Despite being in her 60's and I WON’T mention her exact age but it’s a few years INTO her 60's, she still participates in half-marathons.  The next one will be the 50th  that she’s participated in.

She particularly likes half-marathons that offer a medal for completion.  So much so that she’s cancelling a marathon she’s already applied and paid for to participate in a DIFFERENT one on the same day in Rotorua.  The one in Rotorua has a medal you see.

Pete just shakes his head resignedly.  I think he’s given up trying to understand her.  So have I and I’ve only known her a few years ... Pete’s known her a WHOLE lifetime!

Exercise Junkie or not though, I thoroughly enjoy the time the hound and I spend with her.

Sam enjoys our company too.  I love the greeting I get when he sees me on the beach.  Nothing and no-one interferes with his flight down the beach to flop at my feet ... generally in an upside down position so I can tickle his tummy.  If he’s not been in the waves he’s soft and cuddly and just SO adorable.

This hound KNOWS all the tricks!  If he was in human form, he’d be a GIGOLO.

Sam’s arrival means the new CHIEFS ball has arrived.  My hound, traitor that she is,  dances anxiously around Carol’s feet .... desperate to SWAP balls!

What is it about the BRIGHT new Chiefs ball that’s so appealing .... and NO, it’s NOT because it’s a Chiefs ball.  They haven’t won Super Rugby 2013 YET

I say that tongue in cheek as there’s little chance of them losing this Saturday.  Everything’s in their favour ... home final and top of the log.  It would take something of a miracle for the Brumbies to beat them.

In the meantime I’m sending a pic of my unfaithful hound and the Chiefs rugby ball to the Chiefs.  

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