Wednesday, 20 July 2016

I'm hungry for life.

“Honesty has a power not everyone is ready for ....
Be honest anyway.”
~ unknown
There has been so much of sadness in the world of late.
Atrocities are becoming the new norm.
Terror attacks dominate the headlines.
The airwaves are saturated with them.
How confusing and hate-filled our world has become.

The eternal optimist within me struggles with this hate.
I’m a lover not a fighter
and evil is attempting to divide the world..
Divide and conquer?
It’s not a myth.
What to do in a world gone haywire??
I have to believe in the power of the human spirit.
The insatiable yearning within each of us that good will conquer evil.
It doesn’t take away from the magnitude of the evil
but it gives me hope.
Hope is a positive energy.
And I have that in droves!
Hope is what drives me out of a warm bed in the early morning.
And the hound.
There’s always a sunrise to see.
Reflections to be amazed by.
People to make smile!
They’re moments in my day, frozen in time.
A necessary interlude in the chaos that is life.
They should be mandatory.
For everyone
What you feed your mind affects your life in a very real way.
If you’re not nurturing the part of you that sees the good in the world,
then the evil is likely to overwhelm you.
Rambles are my soul food.
What's yours?
.“Surround yourself with people who make you hungry for life,
who touch your heart and nourish your soul.”
~ unknown

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