Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Time flies.

The weekend retreat on Kaipara
“The magic you can contribute to the world is much greater than the mistakes you’ve made. 
Get on with it.”
~ anon
Reflections in a creek

Looking across the Tamaki Estuary from Pt. England
June 29th was a rather significant date.  
It was that day two years ago when the middle lemming spread her wings 
and soared to distant shores.  

When we bid each other a tearful adieu at the airport I don’t think either of us expected it would be the last time we would physically hug one another for quite some time.
I miss her.  
Early morning mystical magic at Pt. England
It’s been a tough few years since she left 
and her pragmatic approach to life has been absent from my world.  
The physical distance between us is huge but cyber space makes contact so much easier.
No amount of on-line contact though is as satisfying as a hug.
I’m saving my pennies to fetch one from her.
Another significant date has come and gone this past week too.  
On the 3rd July I would have been married for 34 years.  
The dissolution of our marriage became official on the 11th June but it’s been two years in the making.  
The relevance that date once had is gonebut the date itself remains etched on my heart.
The spider's crystal chandelier
Life can be a tad bizarre at times.
And, as I contemplate that thought and the relevance of those dates, 
I can’t help but smile.
I have no regrets.
So much of good has come out of something so unreal.
As the sun rose, the mist intensified but you can still see the dewdrops on the fence and gate
Everything I knew as my life has changed.
The pedestrian bridge I walk across at Panmure Basin reflected in the waters below
My world has become much simpler.
More in tune with my soul.
I'm at the top of Mt. Wellington with Auckland City visible in the far distance
I remain quietly breathless much of the time.
So much in awe of the magic around us.
There is, quite simply, so much of astonishing to see.
Mt. Wellington is a 135m high volcanic peak and is the youngest onshore volcano in the Auckland Volcanic Zone
Getting lost in the breathtaking on a regular basis has a profound effect on my psyche.
We are what we think and, spending time doing what we love 
... no matter how limited that time might be ... 
contributes to our overall positivity and bounce.
I’m living proof of that.
Enjoying the spa in the rain
(photo credit: Yvonne)
“Each moment we create a blueprint.  
Every thought, action, emotion, creation or movement defines what we attract. 
We are the weavers of our own vibration.” 
~ Tara Isis Gerris 

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