Friday, 5 August 2016

Sunrise warrior

“It was sunsets that taught me that beauty sometimes only lasts for a couple of moments,
 and it was sunrises that showed me that all it takes is patience to experience it all over again.”
~ A.J. Lawless
Sunrise over Tamaki Estuary last week... so tranquil.
Ah yes.
That great big golden orb in the sky.
A never ending reminder that nothing is permanent.
Even the good things!
Sunrise at Point England this week 
My every day is different.
The early morning mist at Point England ... just gorgeous.
As it should be.
The Duke, who we dog-sat last weekend
I am a sunrise warrior
... it’s a battle to exit a warm bed in the morning.
And a sunset follower.
As that golden orb exits my skyline every evening
I can’t help but feel breathless at the artwork it leaves in the sky.
It’s more than astonishing.
And beyond beautiful to witness.
Hopping out of the spa wearing only a swimsuit,
in the chilly winter air,
just to capture a sunset
could be considered a little whacky.
And it probably is.
But the sunset was worth it.
There’s a whole lot of contentment going on at the moment.
And it’s not just because that sun’s rising earlier in the sky.
I feel more content.
More at peace with the world around me.
More at one with the path I’m on.
It's growing me.
Churchill Park panarama
“When writing the story of your life,
don’t let anyone else hold the pen.”
~ unknown

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