Thursday, 5 May 2016

Stepping into the unknown.

“As we step out into the unknown
we discover we can be fragile and strong,
and terrified and brave all at the same time.”
~ Paul S Boynton
We all have them.
Major events in our lives that have an impact.
That change the direction of our lives.
Planned or otherwise.
As I mull over the finality of the documents I’ve just signed,
I can’t help but feel sadness.
Sadness for the choices that have impacted on our family.
Sadness for the changes these choices have wrought.
This is a milestone I never thought I’d be facing.
I’ve realised though, that in order to move forward, we need to do it separately.
The chaos and turmoil of the last few years has been huge.
It’s changed us and who we thought we were.
Dissolving our marriage isn’t an easy decision, 
but it’s necessary.
For both of us.
I harbour no resentment.
No anger.
No bitterness.
Just hope for the future for us both.
Even the weather this week has reaffirmed those thoughts.
Despite the thick fog on Wednesday there was clarity of shape and form.
Clarity of purpose.
Still moments of perfection in an ever spinning world.
As I step forward into the next chapter of life
I do so with a sense of trepidation 
... and a small frisson of excitement.
This great big topsy-turvy world of mine holds promise galore.
I intend to seek it.
Shine your light because, 
while your significance may sometimes escape you, 
it changes others forever.”
~ Mike Dooley

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