Wednesday, 27 April 2016

A dragon slayer in the making

“The sun is a daily reminder that we too can rise again from the darkness, 
that we too can shine our own light.”
~ S. Ajna
Some mornings are breathtaking and a privilege to be a part of.
You know when you’re walking along saying ‘wow’ under your breath as you walk that the morning has something EXTRA-ordinary about it.
Especially when the ‘wow’ is coming from someone who sees the early morning beauty on a regular basis.
AND never tires of it.
It was the way the light was falling.
The reflections it created.
The other worldliness of it all.
Not all mornings are like that.
Nor does a photo do them justice.
You had to BE there to understand.
The very essence of it.
In every shape, shade and form.
It’s on these kind of mornings that I feel invincible.
A dragon slayer in the making.
I love that the sunny days linger long into autumn.
Even though the sun’s rising later in the day there is
so much to look forward to on our rambles.
The explosion of colour that autumn brings for one thing.
It’s anything BUT brown and drab!
Brilliant hues of yellow, gold and orange 
all set against the bluest of blue skies.
I love the stillness of it too.
Even the leaves seem to dance in slow motion as they twirl to the floor.
No dragons chasing them.

The hound of course is oblivious to all this.
There’s water.
A ball
... or a log
And someone to throw it.
She leaves the dragon slaying to me.

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