Monday, 23 May 2016

Good vibrations

“What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us and, 
when you bring what is within out into the world,  
miracles happen.”
~ Henry David Thoreau
Love this view of the city!
I was recently told by a very dear friend that rising to challenges 
whilst still being able to kick off my shoes is my speciality.
I like that.
Especially the kicking off the shoes bit.
Early morning mist over the Sculpture Trail on the Kaipara Coast
I think the challenges of the last few years have allowed lots of practice.
.... and another one
There are some little things though that still stump me!
Leaving a warm comfy bed is one of them.
Contrary to popular opinion
I do NOT leap out of bed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed of a morning.
Especially at THIS time of the year.
"Cowtitude" .... a cow with attitude
Mornings are DARKER.
FAR less inviting.
Snuggling up under the duvet as the alarm reaches it’s crescendo 
is my way of trying to escape the chilly morning air.
Murawai Beach ... love it  on mornings like this
Whilst I try and ignore the alarm, the hound does anything but.
To her, it’s the signal to rise and shine
‘Shining’ being the furthest thing from my mind!
The warmth of that bed is SO tempting.
As I resignedly emerge from under the covers
she leaps off the bed with an enthusiasm I can’t even begin to muster.
My favourite spa buddy ... the Lady Kereru
Zombie-like, I move round the flat, chocolate brown shadow in tow.
There’s a furball to feed.
Curtains to open.
A bed to make.
The theory behind making the bed is that I can’t climb back in.
Well ... technically I could - but then I’d have to make it again.
Way too much effort.
Breakfast on the rocks
The upside for persevering with this early morning rising, even in winter,
are the sun rises I’m witness to at this time of year.
They’re breathtaking.
Ample reward indeed!
They feed my heart and soul in a manner that’s beyond quantifying.
I vibrate BACK the energy they give out.
That can ONLY be a good thing.
“The universe is not punishing you or blessing you.  
The universe is simply responding to the vibrational attitude you are emitting.”
~ anon

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