“What is photography. It’s a camera, and a lens, and a light.
That’s it. It’s simple.”
~ Zach Arias, photographer.
When I once said to the oldest lemming that all you need to take a photo is light, he laughed at me and told me that was obvious .... but he was missing the point!!
I was trying to portray how very simple photography needs to be and he didn’t get it .... he thought I was being dim or typically blonde. Technology, whilst providing us with the most amazing equipment, has also made photography more complicated. This chap, Zach Arias, put it in a nutshell.
Photography IS all about the light AND how well you know your camera.
Will there EVER be a day when I DON’T learn something new?
I pinch myself some mornings to make sure I’m awake. The dark moments of the night when I’m surrounded by shadows are chased into oblivion by the awesomeness of Mother Nature. Every day begins afresh with the rising of the sun. It’s my talisman .... a sure fire reminder that life is cyclical and that nothing remains the same forever. Each day is a new one. Each day I get the chance to try living once again.
Who could ask for more.
Being enthusiastically greeted by an exuberant hound and a purring fur-ball every morning isn’t everyone’s cup of tea .... but I love it. Not only does the fur-ball purr but she also vibrates ..... vigorously! Should my alarm not wake me, I can be certain of being woken by a noisy vibrating fur-ball wrapping itself around my neck.
Nothing’s ever normal in my world ... but would I want it to be?
I’ve worked in the shop the last 3 days so this morning’s ramble was a long one ... both the hound and I needed it. Carol’s away in Melbourne watching the tennis .... she’s a fanatical tennis nut and they’ve got tickets for both semi-finals. I hope Pete manages to restrain her during the Djovich match. He’s NOT her favourite tennis player, Djovich that is, and she’s been known to use some choice words whilst watching him play. Poor Pete .... he might have welts on his arms and be deaf by the time they return to Aux.
We did our usual early morning hike with Julia and Indy and then returned to the beach. The sunshine DOES something to my hound, I’m sure of it. She turns into a depraved manic dervish hell bent on digging up as much of the beach as she can, in order to unearth the ball or log she’s buried. Why bury it in the first place if you’re only going to dig it up again?
Suitably covered in sand and beach debris we headed back up the hill to the viewsite chasing butterflies as we walked. Watching them flutter away every time I tried to get close enough for a photo made me think of the butterfly effect in chaos theory. Simply put, the theory states that a butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world might ultimately cause a hurricane in another part of the world.
Hmmmm ...... so I wonder how many hurricanes we caused today!
“Find what you love and let it kill you.”
~ Bukowski 1920 - 1994
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