Friday, 25 January 2013

Melodramatic Mutt-Owners!

My addiction-fixing caffeine provider, the Village Co-Op!

Poor Tully. All she was doing was sitting in the middle of the dog pond minding her own business. Yes, she’d had a look at the tennis ball that landed in the water next to her. Yes, she’d tasted it a couple of times but it didn’t appeal so had let it go, completely unaware that she WASN’T supposed to MOUTH another hound’s ball!! 

Tully, the doggy-paddling hound that loves to sit in the middle of the dog pond
Well .... in the eyes of the melodramatic mutt-owner, that is.

A rather pompous elderly man, with what appeared to be a grey Spoodle, had launched a tennis ball into the pond for his hound to retrieve. His hound was standing precariously on a stone in the pond looking at the ball lying next to Tully .... but making no effort to swim out to retrieve it.
The grey Spoodle walking on water!

The melodramatic mutt-owner glared at Tully then loudly asked WHO she belonged to. Tully’s human was standing with Amy, Julia and I on the opposite side of the pond.  In the same LOUD voice he asked her to remove Tully from the pond as HIS hound couldn’t retrieve her ball whilst Tully was there. DID she know (Tully’s human that is) that Tully had ALREADY mouthed HIS hound’s ball THREE times!

We were doubled over with laughter! Was this guy for real?
Tully even joined in the chase for the toy today
Tully wasn’t the only hound in the pond. Ebony and Chocolat were doing their usual ‘splash all the water out the pond’ trick as they chased down whatever ball/toy happened to be thrown for them.  Indy was having a stroll around the perimeter and several other labs had joined the party.

Watching the action!

Had the melodramatic mutt-owner been a regular at the reserve he’d have known that Tully exits the dog pond in her own time and only when she’s good and ready. She wasn’t ready to leave yet so no amount of calling on her human’s part was going to do the trick. Tully’s human, tongue in cheek, apologised and, very politely, told the melodramatic mutt-owner that she was really sorry but her hound didn’t understand English. 

This just made the rest of us giggle even more!.

Anthony, good-natured soul that he is, persuaded Ebony to fetch
 the melodramatic mutt-owner’s ball and threw it back to him.

He departed the pond and we were left wandering which planet he’d flown in from. 
Aliens REALLY do exist .... at least in MY part of the world, they do.

I wonder if we’ll see him again.

The rest of our ramble was rather uneventful after the unintentional humour at the dog-pond. We chased butterflies again but Indy ....  clumsy fur-ball that he is ..... wanted to chase them too and butterflies aren’t that keen on hounds joining in the game! There are so many butterflies and birds around ..... we pursued a Rosella and a Kingfisher but the Kingfisher wasn’t interested. He took flight .... quite literally .... and disappeared from our air space!

I was supposed to be having an adventure this evening .... a kayaking adventure to Brown’s Island! It’s had to be postponed though because of the adverse weather conditions. The wind's picked up in the Hauraki Gulf and the organisers have decided, in their wisdom, to postpone the trip. I suppose from a safety perspective it’s the only thing they can do but I can’t help but feel disappointed
.... I was so looking forward to it!

But, in the words of a friend, in her affirmation on FB this evening 
" Right here, right now I release my attachment to outcomes .... I surrender to my perfect divine plan by embracing uncertainty and welcoming possibility."
It's an awesome statement and one well worth remembering .... thank you Cheryltjie.

The kayaking trip will happen .... when it's meant to.

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