“Focus on the good.”
~ anon.
Focus on the bubbles ...
I love bubbles! Champagne has bubbles .... they fizzle and crackle and explode in my mouth. They fill it with a kaleidoscope of flavour. Champagne’s YUMMY and I’m inclined to drink it like a fizzy drink ... just like Rum and Ginger Beer .... and that’s NOT good. Drinking too many of either of these is NOT good.
AmaZing Reflections! |
Stalking the Shag ..... cause the Heron wasn't there. |
Happiness has bubbles too ..... they burble and bounce through my life filling it with precious moments and inexplicable joy. When happiness bubbles burst, as they occasionally can, they leave me feeling melancholy and wondering how I can recapture or repair the bubble that’s burst.
Matakana Village Market Square where the Matakana Indie Market is held |
Sometimes I can’t. Sometimes things happen in our lives that defy understanding or logic. If I had a zillion wishes I’d wish away all the sad and the bad that happens to the people I love and put smiles on their faces again.
I’d wish that they could see the magic I see in them.
But life’s not like that ....
I was outside next to my friend Jo, of EdeNZ Designs |
So I smile and look for the power of the invisible in my life! Yep .... that comes from my friend Megan at Limitless Living. We all have this invisible energy in our lives that connects and influences us all, no matter where in the world we might be.
Part of the decor outside the Matakana Market Kitchen |
Stretching the toy mouse! |
The hound helps me find that energy.
Who can feel melancholy when you’re out in the fresh morning air chasing a sunrise that’s already risen.
Who can feel melancholy when a wet chocolate brown hound shakes the entire contents of the ocean over your legs?
Who can feel melancholy when said hound is carrying a toy mouse all over the gardens with the tail sticking out of her mouth?
Oh yes .... the tail out of the mouth pic! |
The first photo when she leapt up to lick me! |
Happiness comes at unexpected times. During our time at the gardens I was trying to get a photo of Gav and I and the hound using the auto-timer. The hound gets so excited though as I try to put myself in the photo, and leaps up and licks me. It doesn’t quite make for the photo I’m wanting. An Asian couple walking past saw our antics and laughingly offered to take the photo for us. We thanked them but declined as we were having so much fun trying to get the photo ourselves!
Yay .... only 2 takes to get a fun shot, windswept and all! |
It’s these kind of bubbles of happiness that leave me fit to burst. They re-ignite my soul. They give me the impetus to keep moving forward.
We've hidden the mouse and are asking her where it is |
Happiness is contagious .... it has a ripple effect. Just as the ripples spread outwards when we throw a stone in a pond, so the ripples of happiness are spread too. Happiness triggers a chain reaction that benefits so many people. Happiness just fizzles!
The Joseph Savage Memorial Gardens |
“But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads.”
~ Albert Camus ... a French journalist and philosopher.
Last night's red skies .... but I couldn't get to the beach on time. |
Outside the square at the Matakana Indie market |
Matakana Public Toilets |
Sunday night's moon |
Tonight's moon |
The Heron yesterday .... he's checking me out! |
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