Friday, 18 March 2016

Hope is solid.

 Courage is in the little things.
It’s the soft light within you that flickers and glows even on the dark days.
It’s the quiet strength that you find when there are mountains to conquer.
Real or otherwise.
Mountains that is.
The Kapira Coastline
It’s knowing that you are strong.
Knowing you are growing.
Knowing there is hope.
Cosmo ... totally addicted to sticks
Hope is solid.
Kinda like the hound.
Whilst life might not be perfect ... whose is ... it sure is exhilarating.
There is SO much in the pipeline, 
SO many possibilities, 
SO much in the world that is changing.
Choosing a path, when so many are available, is mind boggling.
Oodles of courage and belief in self are crucial.
Doodle-bug .... the manic one
I know I’m at my best though when I’m at one with what I do.
Sunrise at Point England Reserve
In the midst of all this decision making and excitement 
there’s been an abundance of reasons to smile.  
One in particular had the flatmate and I beaming from ear to ear.
Tiger, the  wanderlust fur-ball in the family, went missing when we moved to Mt. Wellington.  
He’d been making a regular habit of returning to Polygon Road when we moved to the Flat @ No. 14 in 2014.  We’d fetch him back and two weeks later he’d have once again returned to Polygon Road.
Last year, when we moved to Mt. Wellington, 
he made himself scarce and, despite our best efforts, was unable to be found.
View from Te Atatu Peninsula
In a strange twist of fate we purchanced to be driving along Polygon Road this last week.  
Sitting at the top of the driveway at 48 Polygon Road was a grey and white striped tabby that was instantly recognisable.  

We stopped and called him.
Initially he kept his distance, fearful maybe that we’d uplift him once again and he’d have to find his way back to what he obviously considers ‘home’.  He’s always been a vocal fur-ball and proceeded to deafen us with a long monologue whilst deciding if he should come for a cuddle.  
The cuddle eventually won out.
It was SO special to see him after all this time and know that he’s well.
Neither the flatmate nor I could contain our smiles on the way home.
The Rock Star and Alice .... we just love being loved.
Accepting change means that you’re  changing YOUR world.
Just like Tiger did.
You’re lighting your fire.
Living your truth.
Being who you are.
The blonde and the brunette

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