Thursday, 31 March 2016

A contrary life.

“Your every move ripples across humanity to places, 
people and souls you don’t consciously know of.” 
~ Mike Dooley
There are no guarantees in life.
No piece of paper stating that life will remain as you know it.
It’s complex.
.... understatement!
Contradictions abound.
It can be just as brutally bitter 
as it is breathtakingly beautiful.
Tranquil and calm or ferocious and turbulent.
Every new day is an opportunity to make sense of the contradictions.
As the warmth of the sun beats down on my skin
and the wind whispers sweet nothings in my ear,
I’m here.
Breathing in the magic.
All the contradictions and confusions of life are a heartbeat away.
This moment.
Right now.
Is the only place to be.
Time is unconditional.
It marches on and the moment passes.
The magic remains.
My morning rambles are full of these moments.
Alone time for the hound and I.
A one on one commune with nature.
An active surrender to life.
As we tramp along boardwalks and pathways,
navigate slopes and stairs,
waves and sand
a stillness descends.
The dawn chorus is still singing.
The waves are still rolling up the sand.
The hum of human activity continues unabated.
I don’t hear it though.
The pieces of the puzzle that is me are gently being restored to some order.
Be everything you are.  It’s divine.”
~ Sarah L Harvey

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