Saturday, 27 July 2013

A moment can seem like an eon ...

I was going to write tonight about how busy my week has been and how tired I am
 ... then I had a light bulb moment.  
How dare I complain.
Despite the heavy clouds and the rain, sun rise this morning was beautiful.
I have a part-time job that I thoroughly enjoy.  The rest of the time I get to indulge in beach rambles with the hound, and satisfy my passion for being a crocodile.  I earn an income from it too ..... albeit a small one .... at the moment
 It will grow though, of that I'm certain.

Viewing life through a lens is magical.  I get to capture moments in time that would otherwise be forgotten ... like this morning’s rainbow.  It was magnificent.  The most vibrantly coloured rainbow with another sneaking up behind.

There for a brief moment in time ... then gone.  
The "extra" left me a message in the sand.  One of those moments that was here one minute ....
That’s what life’s like too.  Moments in time slapped together in haphazard order with no logical rhyme or reason to their placement .... or so it seems.  A moment can seem like an eon but when viewed as part of the whole is actually quite insignificant.  
.... and gone the next.
Press PAUSE.  I want to REWIND.  I want to catch up.
Oh dam .... it's that Chiefs rugby ball.  Saturday night is the night of reckoning.
“Take ONE moment just to be here .... to be still
.... regardless of what is passing through you.” 
~ Gangaji

ONE moment.  That’s all I need.

The hound understands what I mean.  She would have her time on the beach over and over again if she could.  She would press rewind EVERY day, but especially on Tuesdays and Fridays..

They’re her catch-up days with Sam.

They chase rugby balls and unearth logs and dig trenches to China ... and drink coffee. Their energy and enthusiasm is boundless

 I nearly lost my coffee this morning to an ever-vigilant Sam.  Taking photos of rainbows took a back seat to save my caffeine fix. 

 It was my FIRST one of the day
 ... there was NO way NO hound was pinching it!
Sam and Bailey having Labrador playtime!
We’ve had King tides this week and there’s been an abundance of driftwood on the beach ...until yesterday.  The powers-that-be sent a tractor to clean up our bay and it removed a lot of the driftwood.  The hounds still found some though.
It looks aggressive .. but it's not.  It's all mouthing and noise.
I’m being very careful to avoid being stabbed again by a wayward log.  I am STILL having to visit A+E to have the wound dressed. Tonight was my 6th visit and I have to return again on Monday.
 I think I’ve learnt my lesson.

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” 

~ Henry David Thoreau

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