Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Sensory overloads

Friedrich Nietzsche once said 
Every deep thinker is more afraid of being understood than of being misunderstood.” 

I like that.  A little mystery in life is necessary.
Sun rises are deceptive ... this one didn't LOOK like it would turn my sky alight.
Some mornings are magical and then you get other mornings that are M.A.G.I.C.A.L in the extreme .... a vibrant fiery psychedelic extreme.  THIS morning was one of THOSE mornings.

As we bounce up Cliff Road we look out on a city still lit by street-lights.  Street-lights reflecting on an inky ocean that hasn’t yet been touched by the rays of that soon to be rising morning sun.  

The aroma of burnt toast assails my nostrils and I see the hound’s nose twitch as she scents it too.  So much for someone’s breakfast.  Our usual spot at the view site is occupied.  A lone member of the lycra-clad looney brigade and his two-wheel contraption are leaning against the railing.  Dam.

I know I shouldn’t feel like that but I can’t help it.  This is my SPECIAL time of the day.  This is my SPECIAL spot.  It’s been invaded .... and NOT by the lemmings!  He does have one redeeming feature I guess .... he’s not TOO absorbed in his ride to not appreciate a magical morning.

He didn’t stay long enough though.  He didn’t get to witness that morning sky catch fire and light up my world.  He didn’t get to see what makes these mornings QUITE so M.A.G.I.C.A.L.

I did .... and it was beyond words.  As a friend so aptly put it 
“... these are the times when your soul just soaks it up and words don’t have a place.”

It was a moment in time I wanted to freeze.
Murphy, Chocolat, Bailey and the Black Labrador with Max in the front
My feet hardly touched the ground as we headed back to the beach. That sun rise left me on an absolute high.  It was a sensory overload of all things beautiful. If taking drugs leaves one feeling like this then it’s easy to understand their appeal. 

I want that feeling again and again and again.
Murphy and Bailey and Chocolat
Today is THE day.  The first Tuesday after Easter and a VERY important date for those of us who own hounds.  It’s the END of summer restrictions .... YAY!  No more looking over our shoulders for the dreaded red van and the Hitler clones within.  
5 month old Bailey had a wonderful time!
We’re now LEGAL on the beach OFF-LEASH .... the hounds that is ....  untill 10am!
Aha ..... Sam's arrived!
My intention this morning was to take photos of the Heron. The tide was low with reflections that blow my mind.  I didn’t anticipate the crowd we gathered as the hound tried to unearth her sunken log from the waves.

A veritable PUDDLE of Labradors ... on the beach though, NOT at Waiatarua!

There was Murphy, and Bailey ... who’s only 5 months old .... and a black Lab who’s name I can’t remember.  Sam raced to join in the fun, as did Bella.
She's giving the ball to Sam .... not that he needs her help.  He's quite capable of taking the ball himself.
Both Sam and Bella arrived on the scene WITHOUT their humans.  Sam had been looking for us before Carol even crossed the road.  The moment he saw all the Labradors playing on the beach there was NO holding him back.  He was IN the waves and playing before Carol even left the boardwalk.  
No flies on him and NO human necessary.

Suzanne was trying to handle her phone, Bella’s lead and the necessary hound paraphenalia when Bella broke free.  
She arrived at my feet with her lead and halti still attached.

That’s just the Labradors that came to play.  A little tyke called Max joined in the fun though he was about a tenth of the size of the other hounds.  He was constantly trying to avoid being trampled by the Labrador Puddle.  His two buddies, who weren’t quite as brave as him, sat safely at a distance and watched.  
Mischka (not sure of the spelling) a Siberian Husky tried to join in the fray too.  

Paddy the Irish Setter came to say hello, as did Amy and Nico and Coco and Marco.  
Both Paddy and Coco aren’t allowed off their leads as they’re inclined to ‘DO an Indy’, and not come back when called.
Amy ... doing her wading in the water bit.
Talking of Indy .... we’ve missed seeing him these past few days!

That pristine beach we arrived on this morning didn’t look QUITE as pristine when we left. 
Churned up sand, trenches and puddles everywhere!

All unmistakable signs of the recent presence of a very happy LABRADOR PUDDLE!

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