Friday, 19 April 2013

Neither the fur-balls NOR our feathered friends can read!

“Just realise where you come from.  This is the essence of wisdom.” 
Tao Te Ching
This morning's sun rise
Kissing the earth with my footsteps and tasting the air with my tongue.  
What a way to begin a day!

Sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure I’m awake 
.... to make sure what I’m feeling and seeing is real .... and it is!  
How did I get to be so lucky.

That great big yellow orb in the sky broke through the cloud cover this morning to welcome in the new day.  With daylight saving having ended I’m not QUITE reaching the view-site before it rises.  It’s close and if we RUN up the hill, we might just make it.  I can wait though ... another week or two and the hound and I will get there in time.

The timber decking is being redone in the house we’re living in.  It’s not been looked after properly and has rotted, as we discovered recently when ONE of us put a foot through the stairs down into the garden.

The handy-man who’s been appointed to repair it is doing a marvellous job and it’s looking really good.  I had to chuckle today though when he asked me if I could keep the hound and the fur-balls off the deck outside our bedroom  for a few days so as to give the finishing product time to seal.  

Well, the hound isn’t a problem ... but how do I keep the fur-balls off?

It’s not just OUR fur-balls either.  The neighbours fur-balls visit us too ... and lets not forget our feathered friends who swoop down onto the decks after creepy crawly thingies.  Putting a sign up won’t help.  Neither the fur-balls nor our feathered friends can read.

Can’t leave them a message on FB either.
Don't know WHY she lay down in the sea-weed!
I did tell the grumpy handy-man this .... but he wasn’t amused. It seems like he’s forgotten how to laugh.

He should join me on our morning rambles.  The antics of the hound and her friends would soon have him guffawing loudly. They KNOW how to play.

I think after today, I should let the council know that the tractors aren’t necessary on our beach anymore. They regularly send them to church up the sand and remove all the dead plant material.  Our Labradors do just as good a job though.  Sam and the hound were joined by Bella and another Chocolate Labrador and between the four of them, they had the beach looking fabulous
.... churned up sand and all!
The Labrador Line
The grumpy handy-man might have had a smile on his face like the other passers-by if he’d seen them.

"Everyone who got where he is, had to begin where he was." 
~ Richard L Evans
Hmmm .... good quote for my handy-man I think.

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