Thursday, 21 March 2013

The furball did her usual road-trip of the bed ...

Humour is the sunshine of the mind.” 
Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton (British politician 1803 to 1873)

Sunshine might have been in short supply over the last few days but it sure made up for it this morning.  Sunshine and smiles in abundance! Where did the magic come from!  
Mornings like this are therapy for the soul.

They re-ignite my belief in me and in a world that seems to be falling apart.

It’s Equinox and just for today, the length of day and night is almost equal everywhere in the world.  My little part of the world now starts its tilt away from the sun :( 
This is an image captured by NOAA’s GOES 13 Satellite of the Earth at Spring Equinox.
Isn’t it awesome!

No time constraints today so I walked up to the view site a little later than usual.  Absurd as it may sound I’m actually looking forward to daylight saving coming to an end.  It’s almost 7.30 at the moment before the sun lifts it’s head over the horizon.  The hound and I have been out and about for an hour already by then.  For most of April and May though I’ll be able to watch the sun rise BEFORE we head back down to the beach ... Yay!

I created consternation in the furball’s mind this morning by NOT having the alarm go off at it’s normal time.  She did her usual road-trip of the bed, vibrating noisily as she moved around and between us, then settled back down to wait for the alarm.  In her mind the alarm is an ON switch ... not just for her but for us too.  She is the most loving and most cuddly of furballs.

Sometimes I’d like to PAUSE these moments in the morning and just REVEL in them because they’re so precious and far too fleeting.

The sun rise is calling though ... and so is the hound.  She doesn’t do the PRECIOUS and CUDDLY bit quite as well as the furball.

She was in a HURRY this morning and, unusually for her, quickened the pace on the way up.  Hills are NOT her forte ... nor mine .... but without hills there wouldn’t be magnificent views and sublime sunrise vistas, so we take them in our stride .... quite literally.  Just a random thought .... would my day be any longer if I spent it at the top of the hill rather than in the valley?

It’s low tide and clear skies so I know the reflections on the beach are going to be magical and I also know some of the Heron family will be fishing.  There were THREE herons on the beach this morning.  I somehow managed to chase two of them away and then stalked the third one up and down the beach for what seemed like aeons.

I did get some great pics of him though.  

Brian had HIS camera out too .... yes, OUT of the bag ... I nearly fell over!  If it rains tomorrow, I know just who to blame!

Between Brian and I, that lone Heron didn’t stand a chance.  I lost count of the number of times it flew up and down the beach.  I just changed direction and went up and down the beach in pursuit of it.  I’m hoping one day it’ll get the message that I’m NOT a threat ... just an annoying itch with a camera who wants to preserve these images forever.

Today I’m sharing the sunshine and the love and the peace that’s in my heart .... just because I can!

My little piece of paradise rocks!

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