Thursday, 14 March 2013

Just DO it!

I’m thinking too much ... and that’s NEVER a good thing.  

We're up at the viewsite waiting for the sun to rise and she's
decided she wants her ball.

Roller-coaster rides.  I LOVE them and I always have.  I love the speed, I love being flung around corners and I love the stomach-wrenching descents!  I think LIFE resembles a roller-coaster ride.  All those marvelous ups and downs that take forever to climb and seconds to descend.  There’s a sense of euphoria as you crest a hill and see the track spiraling away below you. Without that speed, without those ups and downs it wouldn’t BE a roller-coaster ride.
.... but it's STUCK in the bag!  Indy can't understand WHAT she's trying to do.
Without difficulties in life, we wouldn’t really be living.  It’s those very difficulties that create the richness that IS our life and mould us into the WHO that we ARE.

That leads me to a dilemma.  
The WHO that I AM isn’t thinking STRAIGHT.

That WHO has allowed the oldest lemming to convince her that it would be a good idea to cycle 200kms over 2 days to raise funds for the Cancer Society. 
 It IS a good idea but 

.... I don’t even OWN a bike!
Headed out to Waiatarua with Carol and the Pukeko were EVERYWHERE.

This ‘The Ride to Conquer Cancer’ event is happening in Auckland in November.  It’s a 200km cycle ride over two days in which each participant has to raise $2 500 for the Cancer Society Auckland.  It’s a cause that’s close to the heart of many people. Cancer strikes unexpectedly and without discrimination and, in New Zealand alone ... which is a very small country .... over 51 people are diagnosed with cancer on a daily basis.  The statistics are scary.

Committing myself to this ride is scary.  I haven’t cycled in ages.  I’m reasonably fit with all the rambling that I do but cycling’s a very different form of exercise and the commitment I’d need to make is huge.  
HELP .... I have to make a decision before Wednesday next week!

Early mornings might have to become EVEN earlier in order to fit in a ride AND walk the hound.  The hound already thinks I’m a bit WHACKO .... committing myself to this ride will just confirm it.

Oh gosh - I’ve just realised
 .... I’ll be part of the lycra-clad looney brigade!

I said I was over-thinking it .... and I am.  I should just do it.

I should be like the hound and Sam.  They don’t over-think anything.  Throw the ball and they plunge in after it ... no hesitation, no second-guessing .... just complete commitment to the task in hand.  I guess it helps that they’re both addicted to their rugby balls.

In the words of Carrie Underwood, winner of American Idols in 2005 
“Throw caution to the wind and JUST DO IT!


A Labradoodle - the brown one (Cross Labrador with Poodle) and a
Boodle - the black one (Cross Border Collie with a Standard Poodle)
.... enuf now!

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