Friday, 22 February 2013

Writing FREEZES the moment!

“What music is to the spirit, reading is to the mind. Reading challenges, empowers, bewitches, enriches. We perceive little black marks on white paper or a PC screen and they move us to tears ....” 
~ Steven Roger Fischer
Early morning skies
Wow .... what an inspired definition of reading.

He also says “Writing is public, reading personal. Writing is limited, reading open-ended. Writing freezes the moment. Reading is forever.”
Nico in the water
Wow,  wow and another wow.  I know from my own perspective that reading opens up a world of magic .... it’s only the limitation of my imagination that restricts me.  What an author is trying to say and what I take out of what they’ve written can be vastly different.  That’s the beauty of the written word though..

I love the phrase “Writing freezes the moment.”!  That’s what photography does too, but in such a different way.  Both freeze a moment in time but writing leaves you to CREATE the image in your mind whilst photography IMPELS you to find words to describe what you’ve seen.

Not that SOME images NEED words to describe them ....

Ebony at the dog pond on Thursday
This morning’s sun rise was one such image.  I needed soul food and the sun rise filled me to overflowing this morning.

The hound couldn’t care less about the sun rise ... philistine that she is.  She lies down resignedly on the viewing platform whilst I play crocodile and do stretches. All she wants is to get back to the beach and fling herself in the waves. That will happen soon enough.  I need my fill of soul food first and sit on the viewing platform with her taking in the slide show Mother Nature’s putting on for us.  

Being on the beach and in the waves always changes my vibrations.  No matter what’s making me anxious or causing me stress, I know that being at one with my world makes every problem surmoutable .... even when I stand in the hound’s doggy do!

Michaela the Fox Terrier

I was so busy watching an Asian lady walking across the sand singing at the top of her voice that I wasn’t watching where I was putting my feet. Urgh .... doggy do all over my sandals.  So I walked in the waves with the hound, with my sandals on, and it all got washed off! YAY for the waves!

How many people can claim to have done that today ... stand in doggy do, I mean!

It’s these little things that make my world SO much brighter.  The oldest lemming arrived home from the Co-op this morning with a coffee for me .... and an ice-cream treat from the girls .... because I hadn’t been in this morning and they’d missed me.  How special is that!

This little village has captured my heart .... the people in it have captured my heart.  It doesn’t matter where in the world you live, if you let it capture your heart it will be home.

The Osterdam leaving Auckland Harbour
Queen Elizabeth leaving the  Harbour
Another one of the Osterdam ... look at all the samll yachts!
Queen Elizabeth heading out with the Osterdam in the background

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