Friday, 15 February 2013

He's a WANNABEE Saffer!

Carol ... (Sam’s Carol) ... can deny it no more.  Not only does Sam have ANOTHER girlfriend .... oh yes, a little Bichon Frise he’s met at the park .... but he’s a WANNABEE Saffer.  Undeniably so!

Given the choice of three balls at Waiatarua this morning ... yes, three DIFFERENT rugby balls .... he CHOSE the Saffer one.  His allegiance is irrefutable.  Just like my hound LOVES Sam’s Chiefs ball and Hurricanes ball, Sam LOVES her Saffer ball.

Sam’s Hurricanes ball has met the same fate as the rugby ball my hound took to the farm with her. It’s been chewed to death and disemboweled by the wannabee Saffer.  That puts the Hurricanes out of the picture for Super Rugby Glory ..... Sam has decreed it.  Could it be another win for the Chiefs this year?

Just a thought .... maybe the time is right for my hound to be carrying a SHARKS rugby ball!

We had a puddle of Labradors at the dog pond this morning.  Anthony had already texted me, at Ebony’s request, to ensure that Sam and Chocolat were going to be there.  Ebony was delighted to see them and came dashing over with the longest of logs in her mouth.  How she didn’t take out the legs of all and sundry in front of us is beyond me as this log was LONG ... VERY long!
The LONG log!
The log was soon forgotten as the rugby balls hit the water. Labrador after Labrador after Labrador leapt in and the chase for the balls was on. We acquired an EXTRA chocolate Labrador who took great delight in racing our hounds for the balls ... beating one or other of them on several occasions.

He ... or maybe it was a she .... didn’t know how the game worked though.  It ran away with the ball and wanted the other hounds to chase it.  They don’t DO chase .... of other hounds that is .... only of balls.

When I look back at the photos I often wonder if the water level in the pond drops when our hounds are there.  They leap in the pond with such gusto that water splashes EVERYWHERE! They create their very own puddles on the side whilst they’re waiting .... impatiently .... for the balls to be flung back in.
Ebony leaping over Sam and Chocolat .... look at ALL that water!
  They NEVER tire of this game!

Mornings like this are a wonderful diversion from the reality of life. There’s no rush, no place to be at any specific time ... just the hounds and their balls and the wet stuff.  

Labrador heaven.

Reality beckons soon enough.  Market mania has begun again as February swings into gear and we’re booked into several markets this month, one of which is brand new.  It’s exciting and challenging but with all the extra hours I’ve been putting in at the shop,
 it’s exhausting too .... but I love it!
The middle lemming has been joining me on my early morning rambles .... I love it!
“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” 
~ Jim Rohn
Early morning cloud cover
Reflections everywhere!

An appreciative audience at the dog pond.

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