Saturday, 18 August 2012

NOTHING interferes with my ability to chat ...

I nearly killed myself yesterday morning, unintentionally of course, on a Vit C tab that got stuck in my throat .... one of those chewable ones .... and they’re SUPPOSED to be GOOD for you. I guess the manufacturers didn’t bank on them getting stuck in your throat. I can just picture the headlines ... “Mad dog lover killed by chewable Vit C tab”

Hmmm ... just looking at that phrase without punctuation makes it so ambiguous!

I survived .... obviously .... but my throat was sore and scratchy all day, not that it interfered with my ability to chat. Nothing interferes with my ability to chat, except when I lose my voice and that hasn’t happened for a while .... fortunately.

Carol and Pete head off to Fiji today so yesterday was Sam’s last ramble at Waiatarua for a week or so. They’re going to miss the first two week-ends of the Four Nations Rugby Tournament but Carol’s got it all under control .... she’s recording the matches she’s missing. She’s even more of a rugby fanatic than me!

Gorgeous reflecions this morning!

 We’ve attempting to get tickets for the Springboks match in Dunedin on September 15 but haven’t had much success so far. I haven’t been to Dunedin before so it would be an exciting weekend .... a new place to explore and LOTS of photos to take! Oh ... and a rugby match to watch!

It’ll be rugby overload tonight ... we’ll be watching the Flightless Fowls take on the “Wannabees” later this evening then getting up in the early hours of our Sunday morning to watch my Bokke take on Argentina. I know who I’m rooting for in the second game but I’m not so sure where my loyalties should lie in the first.

We had the most amazing thunderstorm earlier today.  Some of the most spectacular thunder boomed, rumbled and exploded across my city in the early hours of the morning. Gav and the hound slept through it all!! Yours truly was up at the window watching Mother Nature put on an awesome lightning display! Auckland seldom gets the intense thunderstorms that we used to experience in SA and I miss them! This one was a WINNER!

The last two days have been such fun! The hound and I had a marvelous ramble with Carol and Sam at Waiatarua yesterday ... we came back FULL of mud but that’s half the fun of rambling at Waiatarua. Anyone would think Carol and I have a contest to see who can fill their shoes with the most mud ... we SQUELCH when we walk! It was MY kind of day ... sunshine, blue skies and ............ REFLECTIONS ....... LOTS of them!

Today I got to play photographer at the St. Helier’s market  for 2 of the other stall-holders! My model, one of the stall-holders, is very photogenic and showcased her own jewellery and the hats of another stall-holder beautifully! She might not LIKE having her photo taken but the camera sure likes taking her picture!

It’s been an eventful two days .... can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store!

A tired hound!

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