Wednesday, 21 December 2016

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

accompanied by some of my favourite photos from this past year.
There’s one thing I know for certain.
There is no ORDINARY life.
Anything but.
As we zoom in relentlessly on the end of 2016 
I can’t help but look back in astonishment 
at the year that has been and how quickly it’s passed.
There’ve been good moments.
There’ve been bad moments.
A bad moment for the crab!
And, on occasion, seriously ugly ones too.
I have learnt SO much.
NOTHING in life is permanent.
The world on occasion does flick-flacks.  
Massive ones that change everything you ever believed in.
Embracing the change is necessary.
It CAN be good even if it doesn’t appear so on the surface.
Life is NOT one continuous chapter.
Like all good books it has LOTS of chapters.  
As one chapter ends, another begins. 
This year has seen the closure of a chapter.
NEVER diss the past.
It’s taught you important lessons and shaped the person you are.  
As you let go of what no longer fits you move forward a better version of yourself.
Be appreciative of EVERYTHING.
Chaos has a purpose and it’s up to us to determine what that purpose is.  
I’m repeatedly reminded that when the chaos 
seems to have reached it’s most overwhelming level, 
miracles happen.  
I believe in miracles and their ability to change our lives.
When you practice the act of GIVING you get so much more in return.
The Tripod Dog ... inspirational
There’s no art to giving and yet it creates magic.
It opens up opportunities
It invests in the soul.
I’m sure there are many more lessons I’ve learnt but these particular ones strike a chord.  
They show a level of personal growth and understanding of self that is palpable.
Without all this growth I’d never have realised 
the innate ability I have 
to ALWAYS see the best in everything and everyone.
THAT is an art indeed!
“Like wildflowers; You must allow yourself to grow 
in all the places people never thought you would.” 
~ E.V.

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