Monday, 15 February 2016

I still can't navigate

“Be like a tree.  Let the dead leaves drop.” 
~ Rumi

Everybody has days that no amount of coffee, chocolate or wine seems to fix. 
I love chocolate 
and coffee
and wine
... especially the sparkling variety, so am frustrated beyond measure when neither one nor the other alleviate the irritations of the day.
And, at the end of the day, that’s all they really are.
Minor ones really when compared to what others elsewhere in the world face 
on a daily basis, just to survive.
As I reflect back on a day that didn’t quite live up to expectations 
I remind myself to be grateful for what I have and where I am.
Especially the happiness bubble that is the hound.
No matter the hours I work,
nor the time I’m away over the weekend,
she is MORE than delighted to see me on my return.
She would have loved to have been with me at the festival this last Saturday 
but I was overnighting at Yvonne’s, so she couldn’t.
I love being at the Boulevard Festival.
There’s an abundance of beautiful crafty and creative people show-casing their wares to one and all.  This festival ALWAYS has a lovely vibe!  The various artists performing on stage, each proficient in their own genre, only ADD to the ambience, as did the beautiful weather.  
It has everything a festival should have, and more.
I felt as if I was in an art gallery fielding questions left, right and centre about the various pieces I had on display.  I get SUCH a buzz from the interest shown in what I do!
Sales might not have been brilliant but the festival itself was wonderful.
The day wasn't done with me yet though.
One would assume, from the number of times I’ve been to Orewa, 
that finding my way to Yvonne’s would be a piece of cake.
BIG mistake.
I should know NEVER to trust my navigational skills.
As I confidently headed out on the road I believed led to Silverdale, thoughts of the spa and the bubbles I would shortly be imbibing filled my mind.
Instead of heading to Silverdale though I was heading to Whangerei!
Google, the arbiter of all things inane, did eventually manage to get me to my destination ... via Warkworth.  What should have been a 20/25 min run took me well over an hour.
What can I say.
Not only am I STILL blonde but I’m also STILL navigationally challenged.
Some things never change.

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