Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Anyone would think she OWNS this beach.

“Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get 
- only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything.” 
~ Katherine Hepburn

Walking in the waves with my hound does MORE than just feed my soul.
Not quite as clear as yesterday morning.

Yesterday morning for instance
 .... I was stalking a kingfisher.  It's low tide. 
 The light’s gorgeous.  
The hound's lying on the beach guarding her ball, watching as I tip-toe through the mud.  It’s hard to be stealthy when the mud is as sticky as glue. Unexpectedly my foot disappears to the knee .... in mud!  Foot makes that slurping squelching noise as I pull it out.  
Hound barks because the noise sounds so funny .... and kingfisher flies away!! 

I'm left with a leg completely covered in mud .... NO photo .... AND the giggles!
It's so dark when I leave the house that the moon is CLEARLY visible!
Giggling too much when you’re stuck in the mud ISN’T a good look.

The hound of course thinks I’ve completely lost it.  She could be right.  She’s the one usually wet and covered in mud, not me.   She doesn’t understand WHY I won’t let her join me.  It’s difficult enough though convincing the Kingfisher that I’m NOT dangerous let alone convincing it that the hound isn’t either.

Fortunately there are enough distractions on the beach to keep her occupied.  Unsuspecting hounds are treated to the sight of her galloping full-tilt at them.  Just as they think they should beat a hasty retreat, she screeches to a halt spraying sand intimidatingly in their face. 
 It’s quite impressive.  
Suitably satisfied with the result she’s achieved, she saunters back to wherever she’s left her ball or log.  

Anyone would think she OWNS this beach.

Fast forward to this morning.  We’re BACK on the beach, same scenario as yesterday only today there are TWO of these gorgeous little birds .... but far LESS light.  Let’s not pretend though that it was any easier just because there were two of them. They flit from rock to rock leading me in a merry chase up and down the sand.
The only time they were within camera reach of each other.
The difficulty I’ve had in photographing these elusive little birds makes me so appreciate the awesome shot I managed to capture at the start of June.  That morning was perfect  ... great light, no wind and few souls on the beach.  Even the hound seemed to understand the need for silence.

One day I’ll improve on even THAT shot ... but not today.

Mornings like this are invaluable for restoring some semblance of sanity to a mixed-up world. It’s been a week tinged with sadness as one of our favourite girls at the Co-op has had her life touched with grief in the loss of her brother.  Sadness in the lives of one’s friends and acquaintances touches us all and our hearts ache for the pain she’s feeling. 
Yep .... that's one of the kingfishers sitting there on the rock .... and that's the mud I wade through
Life IS short.  Sometimes you’ll never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory.  Love those moments and treasure the people you share them with.

Tears are words that need to be written.” 
~ Paulo Coelho  

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