Friday, 21 June 2013

I'm a little frayed around the edges ...

Yep ... I got to stalk the heron today!
I AM because I WAS.

She is just TOO gorgeous!

Every experience, every lesson, every person I’ve ever encountered ... every country, every town, every village I’ve ever lived in ... have all woven their magic into the tapestry that is me.  I might be a little frayed around the edges, a tad insane and a little too radical for some but I am who I am because of all of this. Evolution is an on-going process and I’m DEFINITELY a work-in-progress.  A slightly flawed work-in-progress maybe .... with a demented hound of course
 .... but what a combination!
Hazel, the gorgeous Irish Setter wasn't too sure what to make of these 2 being IN her face!
I’ve changed.  I’m choosing to make life simpler.  I’m not bound anymore by the time constraints of a school calendar and extra-mural activities.  I’m choosing a freedom to pursue what I love and that’s so good for my soul.

I’m right where I’m meant to be at THIS moment in time.
Gorgeous reflections at Waiatarua
I’ve had a magical morning that I wasn’t expecting after last night’s storm and the early morning clouds and rain. Puddle jumping at Waiatarua, rock pool wading at low tide, heron stalking in the rock pools .... what more could a girl and a hound possibly want!

The more time I spend with that demented hound of mine, the more I think that in my next life I’d like to be re-incarnated as her .... with an owner like me!  Her world today has consisted of rambles in the reserve, walking in the waves, bones on the balcony and finally
 .... collapsing on the carpet.  
Who WOULDN’T want a life like hers.
Storm clouds up above but the rain stayed away.
She even had a car ride thrown in too!
Catching a fantail feeding ... the only time it keeps still!

The fur-ball had to have her stitches out today.  It’s been two weeks since THAT op and the wound has healed beautifully. Our local vet wasn’t interested in taking them out without me paying for a consultation though as he hadn’t performed the op.  I guess I can understand his reasoning but there’s ONLY 3 stitches which, after a navigational nightmare of an afternoon, took a WHOLE 3 seconds to remove. 
He led me a merry walk today .... all across the rock pools between St. Heliers and Kohi!
As any of my friends will attest, I am NAVIGATIONALLY challenged. If I haven’t driven myself somewhere before, I’m unlikely to be able to find it without the aid of a navigational device .... ie a satnav or google maps.

So, with the hound, the fur-ball and the youngest lemming in tow .... and the address typed into Google Maps .... we headed off for what SHOULD have been an hour and a bit round trip.

I discovered a few things about Great South Road that I hadn’t been aware of before. It’s long .... VERY long.  It’s numbering system is ass about face.  There is more than ONE property with the number 875 and they are FAR apart!  There are ZILLIONS of intersections with traffic lights!  There is MORE than one veterinary practice on Great South Road.
The Shags sunning their wings
Not only did Google maps take us on a merry goose chase but it also KILLED my phone.  We plugged in the home address after finally finding the vet and just as the instructions came up on the screen, the battery died!!!

Needless to say I did find my way home several hours later than intended, 
no thanks to Google maps.
He's trying to escape again ....
Google nose ..... nothing!

A lifetime is NEVER long enough.

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