Friday, 28 June 2013

Caffeine and lingerie fetishes!

Hmmm .... tennis is not my favourite sport at the moment.  The top seeds are dropping out of Wimbledon like flies ... Nadal, Federer, Tsonga, Hewitt, Sharapova, Azarenka ... to name just a few.  
Why couldn’t it be the players I DON’T like?

Carol is spitting nails!  Her LEAST favourite player is on track as is her SECOND least favourite player.  She’s praying that it WON’T be a Djovich/Murray final but it sure is heading that way.

I’ve never had a girlfriend before that’s quite so besotted with sport .... but I love it!  
Her hound displays the same kind of addictive behaviour 
.... towards caffeine!!

He took his caffeine guzzling to new levels this week when he helped himself to a complete strangers coffee-to-go.  I’m not sure who was more embarrassed .... the workman for having put his coffee on the ground or Carol for her dog’s unhealthy obsession with caffeine!

She did buy the workman a new coffee despite his insistence that it wasn’t necessary.  I think he found the whole escapade just as amusing as I did ... and I wasn’t even there.

Sam’s lingerie fetish grows on a daily basis.  I’m quite expecting him to turn up at the beach one of these days wearing one of Carol’s bras.  It’s a hilarious vision and one I wish she could photograph ... even if it’s just with her phone!  She’s too busy laughing at him though and trying to retrieve whatever items he’s managed to adorn his body with.

I’d abandoned our customary trot to the view-site this morning as I’m not feeling too great so the hound was delighted to find Sam already in the waves.  Sam, as is usual when he knows he’s going to join us, was scanning the beach for us.  Once we’ve been spotted, nothing stops him.  He races down the beach, by-passing anyone in his path ... even my hound ... and hits the brakes only when he reaches my feet.  Greetings over I’m expected to hurl the ball into the waves.  

I’m under no illusions as far as the greeting goes.  The only reason he bats his eyelids at me is  because of the purpose I serve on the beach.  I’m a useful addition to his pack as I toss the balls and hurl the logs an appropriate distance into the waves.  I guess I should be pleased that I at least get a greeting first before being expected to perform my duties!

This morning’s sunshine, chilly as it was, must have unearthed ALL the Labradors in St. Heliers.  It was Labrador mayhem on the beach .... Labrador puddles of all colours, shapes and sizes.  No Cosmo today though and no Labrador anywhere NEAR his size!  Sadly, most of the Labs were chivied along the beach by their humans and not given time to join in the fun and games at our hounds’ digging site.

Not that ours minded.  They’d race over to say hi to the newcomers, chase them away if they felt they were a threat to their balls or log .... and then trot right back to their dig with the occasional foray into the waves to wash a ball.

This is THEIR beach and they know it!

They’re becoming a bit iconic.  Bailey’s mom told us she’d heard about our hounds at Madels Farm.  A woman she chats to there told her ours play on the beach every day so she’d bought Bailey along to join in the fun.  Bailey, despite being only 8 months old, was really keen to chase down the stick with them and bought the ball back to be thrown again.  She’s never played with our hounds before but exhibited so much typical Lab behaviour.  

She did give her human a hard time when it came to going home.  She did a ‘Bella’ and retreated into the water where she knew her human wouldn’t come and fetch her!  There was no way I was walking in to get her either .... it was too darn cold!!!

It’s not often that my girl’s outnumbered by Labs of a different colour ... but today she was. 

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