I love Jo Brand’s sense of humour ... very dry and very witty. When asked on one of the episodes of QI how she would describe the perfect man, she replied in a deadpan voice
“ A dead one”.
I can relate to that ... maybe not ALL of the time, but definitely SOME of the time.
Men are a different breed.
It’s bought home to me so vividly when we do markets. My stall defines me and what I create and I’m quite particular about how I lay it out. One of the vendors we’ve got to know over the last year is quite the opposite. Fling it on the table and let it sell itself, seems to be his motto. The sooner he has it on the table, the sooner he can wander around the market and socialise with the other stall-holders. Most of us are still trying to create our space so he can, on occasion, be an unwelcome distraction.
To be honest, not ALL men are like that but they DEFINITELY come from a different planet.
We had wind at the market today .... the weather kind. It played havoc with my canvas prints .... so much so that “Global warming” hit the ground SEVERAL times despite having elastic holding it on the easel and despite the easel being attached to the table! When the wind means business, nothing holds it back.
Wind aside, the weather has been amazing. When you live where I do and you have days like today, you get to satisfy several of your passions. I DIDN’T get to ramble with the hound but I DID get to be a crocodile.
There were as many, if not more, yachts and vessels out in the gulf as what there were cars on the road .... and there were LOTS of cars on the road. We CRAWLED along Tamaki Drive at such a snail’s pace that I was able to take photographs as we drove.
Driving along Tamaki Drive is NEVER a chore. It’s a magical drive home winding along the shoreline, in and out of the bays. The tides are always changing, as is the weather ... and as for the scenery .... well! On days like today there is MORE than enough eye candy .... of both female AND male persuasion. I could just SIT all day and take in the view.
No weekend is complete without indulging in an ice-cream ... not just any ice-cream though ... but Joshua’s Ice Cream from the Co-Op, Orange Marmalade ice-cream to be specific.
There was a queue out the door when we got there ... unsurprisingly. When the sun’s shining and the skies are blue, the Co-op does more business selling ice-creams than selling coffee. I’m a bit inflexible where ice-cream’s concerned and the girls at the Co-Op have cottoned on to that.
“Orange marmalade, in a cone?” I get asked
.... “yes please” I reply “with a gingerbread man”.
Kohimarama Beach |
Yum. Some moments are just meant to be good ones.
St. Heliers Beach |
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
~ Carl Jung
the perfect man never drinks, nor smokes nor chews nor swears, he never gambles, never flirts and shuns all sinful snares, he's DEAD!
Ah ... a sense of humour I see!
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