I LOVE my coffee .... and I love life.
Despite the turmoil and the uncertainty we face at the moment, I can’t help but love life. It’s the little things that count ... the daily interaction with those who hold a little piece of your heart in their hands ... the gestures, the touches, the thoughts, the smiles.
We laugh a lot in our house. We laugh at each other and we laugh at ourselves. The oldest lemming says it’s because we’re all a tad insane but I’m not so sure about that .... after all, I’m completely normal.
It’s just the people I live with and associate with that aren’t.
Take the girls at the Village Co-op. They ALWAYS make me SMILE!
Anyone looking at our coffee-to-go when we leave the Co-op would think it was for the hounds.
It’s THEIR names that are on the lids!
It’s the girls way of differentiating between the two Carol’s as we drink our coffee differently. Carol likes hers with trim milk, usually a single shot, but when her bounce lacks bite she’s been known to boost it with a double shot. I like a single shot, with raw sugar ... I bounce enough already WITHOUT the additional caffeine boost.
The girls at the Co-op know what the regulars drink and don’t need to be told ... unless Carol wants a double shot. When we’re in a crowd they usually write the initial of who the coffee’s for on the lid of the cup .... with us they put our HOUNDS names on!
It ALWAYS makes me chuckle!
Laughter is SO contagious. Sam, the “wannabee” chocolate hound took his desire to be chocolate to new levels this morning. We’d finished our ramble and were on our way back to the car when he nosed his ball into the mud along the path. Not wanting to put a muddy hound in the boot of Carol’s car I kicked the ball into the water just beyond the mud.
BIG mistake.
The water I kicked it into is above the filtration plant and RATHER dirty
.... make that VERY dirty.
One VERY muddy, VERY happy hound emerged from the reeds .... you could almost see him grinning .... ear to ear.
LOOK .... I’m a chocolate hound now!!
That kind of happiness .... it just comes from within!
He didn’t get to remain a chocolate hound for very long though. Carol gave him a bath when they got home as she couldn’t get all the mud off him just by rinsing. She used a copious amount of shampoo .... eco friendly of course .... but isn’t sure she rinsed it all off.
The ball hasn't even hit the water and already he's leaping after it! |
Time will tell. If we have bubbles rising from the water tomorrow when Sam jumps in, we’ll know exactly what it is!
Wouldn’t that make for an interesting picture!
Bubbling water as the monster rises from the deep!!
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