Monday, 27 August 2012

Hmmm ... what's the definition of MY perfect world?

Part of my wonderful world

“Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful.”  Annete Funicello
Early Saturday morning and this hound was having a great time chasing the birds ... he was VERY vocal!

My definition of a perfect world would be so different to other people’s ... but that’s ok .... that’s individuality for you. My perfect world would have my Bokke beating the Flightless Fowls in this year’s Rugby Championship. The way my Bokke are playing though is fast turning that into wishful thinking. I guess I CAN keep dreaming .... nothing is cast in stone and it’s only the first leg of the competition. 

This clever goat at our second Cheese stop climbs the fence

We rambled bright and early on Saturday morning as we had plans to head off on a road trip ... a CHEESE tasting road trip. The best laid plans seldom run as smoothly as they should and, despite reaching the beach early, we only left it late ..... way too many people to chat to and hounds to play with.

I hadn’t realised there were so many Cheese making establishments in the Waikato

There are LOTS of these in the Waikato too!

According to the blurb Gav down-loaded the round trip was about 250kms long and there were 4 Cheese stops along the route. For some reason, OUR actual trip ended up being almost 500kms long!! We only reached 3 of the places listed and the last one was closed ... opening times on Saturday were only from 10 until 1!! 

So wish the website had warned us of that.

Nevertheless we had a huge amount of fun. The hound and the youngest lemming chose to join us .... and then squabbled over seat space in the back of the car!!

I LOVE cheese .... and COFFEE .... and WINE .... and CHOCOLATE .... hmmmm

We DID buy some Pecorino and I’d really wanted to try the Buffalo Feta from the last place we stopped at. I’ve had Buffalo Feta before and it’s YUMMY ... not like your USUAL Goat’s milk feta. I guess I’ll have to wait till we visit there again .... WHEN it’s open.

We chose to take the back roads, as suggested on the route guide. It’s way more fun AND you can travel faster! For some unfathomable reason the speed on the State Highway is 90kms/hour for most of the route. If you travel the back roads it’s unrestricted .... ie maximum speed 100kms/hour.

There’s also way MORE photo opportunities on the back roads and my family are used to me yelling out STOP when I see something I think is photo-worthy. The youngest lemming however DOESN’T share my passion so there are often a few choice words from him about the number of times we stop.

Even HE enjoyed feeding the sheep though and he ESPECIALLY loved Karangahake Gorge.

This is why my shoes are forever muddy ..... I have to squelch through the mud to get photos of the herons!
We arrived home just in time to watch the Flightless Fowls whip the Wallabies .... now that was enjoyable! If that’s a foretaste of how well the Flightless Fowls are playing then my Bokke better pull their socks up.
My favourite part of early morning photos and low tide ... the amazing reflections!

Bessie and Keith came to join in our fun on the beach

As did Barney .... a meaner leaner Barney!!

Keith trying to create a mud splash

Even Bessie's trying to be a chocolate hound ... she's covering herself in SAND!

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