Thursday, 5 July 2012

WHO are we?

We never really FINISH getting to know ourselves .... getting to know WHO we really are. We’re continual “works-in-progress”, always evolving, always growing  and I think it’s good that we are.
Early morning mist!

 Imagine if who I am now is all I’m ever going to be ..... nope .... my family couldn’t live with that. They’re hoping that as I ‘discover’ more about ME I’ll become more “normal” ... more ‘sane’. I think they might have a long time to wait for that .... sanity doesn’t become me.

We only get one chance at this thing called life and I DON’T want to miss a moment.

Escaping with her log
Especially early mornings! So many people miss out on the best part of the day .... early morning!! I love the freshness of the air, the early morning light, the dew drops on the grass .... and yes, even the frost on the ground during winter and the smoke I exhale as I walk.

The city was shrouded in fog this morning. The soulful sound of the fog-horn could be heard in the distance as we headed down to the beach. Staying dry when the weather’s icy isn’t an option when you have a hound like mine. She believes EVERY day is a swimming in the waves day and she’s fast teaching Sam the same thing .... not that he’s quite got the hang of the ‘swimming’ lark yet.

Can't even see my city or the Harbour Bridge
He’s sure got the hang of the rugby ball though and dribbles it around the beach with his nose and then back through his legs with his front paws .... he’s so funny to watch! When my hound thinks he’s getting too much attention she charges over, grabs the ball off him and races along the beach with it .... until a log beckons .... then the attention Sam’s getting is forgotten!

Sam WAS a tad naughty today and gave Carol quite a fright. Something on the path must have distracted him and he ambled up there, quite ignoring Carol's calls to come back down to the waves. He ended up on the road but fortunately the cars were going slowly and stopped for him.  Carol hauled him back down to the beach and gave him a stern telling-off. It seemed to work as he didn't venture up to the path again.

I had to chuckle when I spoke to Carol on the phone yesterday. She'd mentioned how Sam had all his toys strewn all over the floor and that it was like having a child in the house. I know the feeling ... my hound does exactly the same thing and I know Indy does too.

 This morning’s ramble was one of those special ones when I feel at one with the world, at one with myself .... and definitely at one with the hound. I return home satisfied, my soul sated, ready to tackle whatever else the day might have in store .... like laundry!!

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